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Table of Contents All eligible Team 5 Important Information Members must enroll 7 Enrollment within 30 days of 11 My Health Bene昀椀ts new hire/new 12 Navigating Our Network eligibility date. 25 My Phar macy Bene昀椀ts 28 Pr eauthorization Requirement List 32 My Health and W ell-Being 35 My Dental Bene昀椀ts 37 My Vision Bene昀椀ts 39 My Health Savings Accounts – HSA 41 My Flexible Spending Account – FSA 43 My Life Insurance 44 My Retirement Bene昀椀ts 47 My Disability Insurance 48 My V oluntary Bene昀椀ts 52 My EAP 54 My Discounts 58 Requir ed Notices 66 Important Contacts In this guide we use the term “Company” to refer to FMOLHS. This guide is intended to describe the eligibility requirements, enrollment procedures, and coverage effective dates for the bene昀椀ts program offered by the Company. It is not a legal plan document and does not imply a guarantee of employment or a continuation of bene昀椀ts. This guide is not intended to answer all of your questions, but to provide you with a tool to answer most of your questions. Full details of the plans are contained in the Plan Documents, which are available on your facility intranet and govern each plan’s operation. Whenever an interpretation of a plan bene昀椀t is necessary, the actual plan documents will be used. 4

Team Member Guide to Benefit Enrollment - Page 4 Team Member Guide to Benefit Enrollment Page 3 Page 5